Saturday, 25 February 2012

New Mini Studio Tester Shots.

So I got a mini photography studio and I've taken some tester shots to see how much of a difference it makes.

I think the difference is pretty apparent, but I also need to dust my tanks :(


  1. wow that is amazing! where does one get that kind of thing?

  2. UK site but you'll easily find something similar in the States/Canada.

    Nowhere near a professional setup by any stretch of the imagination, it's just a cheap set but it really makes a difference!

  3. Thanks for sharing. Im going to need one of these! :)

  4. NP dude, thanks for checking the blog!

  5. What did you use to make the camo sheet on the hummel?

  6. Green stuff, I rolled it very thinly using paint bottles as rolling pins then rather painstakingly folded it and draped it over the edge of the superstructure.

    I actually added it after I'd painted the model as my previous effort which had been in place several years looked very poor in comparison. A friend likened it to some chewing gum stuck on the side of the vehicle... how's that for constructive criticism? It did kick me into doing what you see in the picture now though so not all bad!
